Friday, December 13, 2019

Compare and Contrast The Theology Of Judaism And Christianity Free Essays

By   theology   we   mean   a   rational   and   systematic   study   of   a   religion. It   is   an analysis   to   understand   a   religious   matter. This   analysis   helps   us   to   understand   more   truly   our   religion, and   also   in   the propagation   of   our   religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast The Theology Of Judaism And Christianity or any similar topic only for you Order Now As   we   know, Judaism   is   the   religion   of   Jewish   people. Judaism   theology follow   monotheism   i.e.   belief   in one   single   God. Moreover   Judaism   theology   says that   God   knows   every   thing, has   unlimited   power, has created   the   universe   and   is kind   to   everyone. The   essence   of   believes   of   Jewish   people is   the   written and   oral Torah. Torah   is   a   Hebrew   word   meaning   teaching, instruction   or   law. It   is   basically a   set   of   five books   of   Moses   also   known   as   five   laws   of   Moses. Moses   is the Father   and   chief   of   all   prophets. Torah   says   that   all   living   and   non   living   things   in   this   world   are   creation of   God. It   is   the   God, who   has wrought   things, workout   and   shall   work   for   ever. It says   that   creator   is   one   and   is   incorporeal   i.e.   having no   corporeal   qualities   or   in other   words   He   has   no   material   or   physical   form   of   substance. It   says   that creator was   the   first   and   will   be   the   last, and   is   the   only one   to   be   worshipped   and   none else. Torah   also says   that   all   words   of   prophets   are   true. It   says   that   all   our   deeds and our   thoughts   are   known   by   God. As   there   is   a   saying   in   Judaism, â€Å"He   who   had   formed   their   hearts altogether, He   knows   all   their   deeds†. According   to   Torah God   rewards   those   who   keep   His   commandments   and   punishes those   who   go beyond   the   limits   of   what   is   morally   acceptable. One   of   the   most   ardent   faiths   of Jewish   people   is   that   there   will   be   a   resurrection   or   rebirth   of   God, but   on   the time   decided   by   Him. It   is   believed   that   every   man   and   woman   on   earth   is   like God, with   a   spiritual   and   always   existing soul. Everyone   is   made   to   be   the I mage and   likeness   of   God. For   most   Jewish   people, earth   is the   place   where   they   are   supposed   to   enjoy   their   life, not   in   the   heaven. According   to   them, hard   work   and   education   are the   paths   directed   by   God   to   live   a   good   life. They   do   not   find   accumulation   of wealth   to   be   an   evil   act   as   long   as   it is   used   in   good   deeds   and   charity. One   can live   a   comfortable   and   cozy   life   following   moral   rules. They   also   promote   honest sex   and   marital   life, but   oppose   adultery, premarital   sex, homosexuality, abortion   and   these as   sins. They   say   that   pleasures   life   like   drinking   and   dancing   are   good   if   not   Ã‚  done   in   excess. One   should   not   be   habitat   of   such   things. Judaism   theology   says   that   after   death   a   person   is   sent   to   heaven   or   hell. Heaven   is   considered   to   be   dwelling   of   God   and   angels. And   hell   as   home   of devils   and   place   where   wicked   people   are   punished. Now,   if   we   Ã‚  talk   about   Christian   theology, then   there   is   a   very   clear   doctrine or   set   of   believes   related   to   the   Holy   Trinity. It   says   that   there   is   only   one   God, with   three   persons, the   Father, the   Son   and   the   Holy   Spirit. Each   person   is   fully God, but   there   are   not   three   Gods   but   only   one   God. Christians   consider   God   himself   Ã‚  as   a   community   of   love. The   father   loves   Son, and   the   Son   loves   the Father   and   this love   of   the   Father   to   the   Son   and   of   the   Son   to   the   Father   is   the Holy   Spirit. Three   persons   but   only   one   true   God. This   is   the   most   glorious   mystery   of   the   Holy   Trinity   in   the   whole   Bible. It   is   said   that   God   is   repeatedly the   God   of   Abraham, the   God   of   Issac   and   the   God   of   Jacob, symbolizing   the   Holy   Trinity. Abraham   is   God   the   father, Issac   is   God   the   Son   and   Jacob   is   God the   Holy   Spirit. In   Christianity   faith   is   the   basis   of   a   Christian’s   life, the   foundation   of   the Christian building. One   of   the   faiths   is   that   the   person, who   believes   in   the   Son, has   eternal   life, whoever   disobeys   Him   will   not   see   life, but   God’s   wrath   resets upon   him. Christians   take   baptism   a   way   by   which   the   original   sin is   forgiven. Baptism   is   a sacrament   instituted   and ordered   by   Jesus   Christ. By baptism   we emerge   as   a new   creature, a child   of God   and   receive the   gift   of Holy   Spirit. It   is believed   that   after   baptism   our   old   man   dies   and   is   buried   Ã‚  with Christ. Moreover It   Ã‚  is   Ã‚  hat   before     baptism you   are   a   child   of   the   devil   and   after   baptism   you   are child   of   God. A   man who   believes   in   Jesus, but   do   not   receive   baptism   in   his church   is   not   a   Christian. For   a   Christian   it   is   not   only   important   to   believe   in   God   but   also   to receive   what   God   gives   us. It means   to   give   thanks   to   God   for   everything. This   is the   secret   of   how   to   keep   ourselves   always   happy and   satisfied   in our   life. To   give   thanks   to   God   for   every thing   is   the   first   step   to   calm   ourselves   and face   any storm   in   our   life. REFRENCES:-    How to cite Compare and Contrast The Theology Of Judaism And Christianity, Essay examples

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